Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
On the first dive I found this Common Bigeye sheltered under a ledge. Note the silvery sheen on its dorsal surface. These fish always stay tucked away during the daylight hours.

Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
I always have a difficult time getting close enough to Bluespine Unicornfish to get good photos. They tend to swim off when you begin to draw close. These are very aptly named fish with a prominent horn projecting forward from between the eyes. They are a beautiful light blue color.

Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
The photos above are of an Orangespine Unicornfish. Despite the name, these fish don't have a horn on their heads. Go figure! What they do have is an ornately decorated face that reminds me of a tribal mask. Like other unicornfish, it's hard for me to get close enough for a good shot.
Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
Undulated Morays, like this one, are sometimes aggressive. This one was pretty shy, keeping tucked in its coral haven and foiling any attempt to get a clear shot.

Photos Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
I'm still seeing a lot of octopus and a respected divemaster has told me that this is their mating season (the octopi's, not the divemasters'). Anyway, I've tried to cut back on octophotos but this one was just to cooperative. I was particularly pleased with the one where it blanched mostly white.

Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
A try at an artistic shot with a sunny background. The fish is a Threadfin Butterflyfish.
Photos Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
The turtles are all doing well today. The one in the top photo is getting a good cleaning by a gaggle of tangs.
Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
Saddleback Butterflyfish are beautifully colored and are one of my wife's favorites. They usually travel in pairs but this one was going solo.

Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
Ornate Butterflyfish cue up at a cleaning station awaiting their appointments with a Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse.

Photo Copyright 2010 by Barry Fackler
On the second dive I saw yet another Day Octopus. I limited myself to this one photo. It was a nice day of diving. My only complaint is that the water is getting colder instead of warmer. Hopefully that will change soon.