Monday, January 28, 2013

Strange Bedfellows

Photo Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler

In my last post, I shared photos of a hawksbill turtle that was, presumably, injured by a tiger shark. Today I have something completely different to share with you. In the photo above, a green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) and a whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) are sheltering together in a small cave in Honaunau Bay. This is not the first time I have witnessed such a pairing, but it is the first time I was able to get close enough to get a photo (albeit grainy and poor quality).
The whitetip shark has very small teeth and poses no serious threat to the turtle. Whitetip reef sharks feed mostly on small fish and crustaceans and are nocturnal. Green sea turtles subsist primarily on seaweed and forage during the day. Consequently, they are bunkmates for only a short time. As you may be able to see, the turtle is quite awake and may be considering swimming around his companion to start her day. The little orange streaks in the photo are tiny juvenile fish hovering close to the camera.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First Dive Day of 2013

January 5th was our first diving day of the new year and it was great! After a long drought, we had dolphins with us and some of them approached quite close!

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler
Some snorkelers dropped leaves in the water for the dolphins to play with. This one snagged a one leaf on its pectoral fin and another on its dorsal fin.

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler
It was a pretty fantastic day of diving and a good portent for the upcoming year!

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler

Copyright 2013 by Barry Fackler
Happy New Year to all you diving and ocean enthusiasts out there!